Why Is Having Good Credit Important
Now that you have a better understanding of how credit scores and credit reports work, it is important to understand the importance of having good credit. Though you can still do (almost) anything with bad credit that someone with good credit could do, having good credit does make life easier. Here are some reasons why having good credit is important:
✓Being Credit-Worthy
Since having a good credit score reflects your relationship with credit, having a higher credit score means that there is a greater chance that you will repay your loans, in full and on time. While this may not necessarily true, it can be a good indicator. Because of this, having a good credit score increases your credit-worthiness as seen by lenders.
✓Easier to Find an Apartment
Once you find the apartment you want, you don’t want anything to stand in your way of being able to get it. If you have good credit, then a landlord will see you as a qualified applicant. On the other hand, if you do not have good credit, then you may not be a qualified applicant in the eyes of the lender. This could decrease your chance of renting the apartment you want.
✓Lower Interest Rates
If you have bad credit, then you can still get personal loans, just like someone with good credit. The difference will lie in the terms and conditions of your contract. If you have a good credit score, then you will have lower interest rates than someone who has bad credit. Having good credit could save you money in the long run. Since you will have to pay less in interest than someone with bad credit will have to pay in interest.
✓Be In The Know
It is essential to be in the know when it comes to your credit. Being in the know allows you to make educated decisions about your financial situation. Also, you can prevent any previously unforeseen issues. For instance, when you know you have a major purchase coming up in the next 6 months, you should run a credit from at least one agency.
Because consumers are allowed to get one free credit report per year, it is important to use them when they could have an effect on upcoming purchases. Being in the know also means that if there is somehow a mistake on your credit report, then you can easily spot it in a timely manner. If you do that, you can dispute and have them removed before it has the chance to affect you negatively.