We live in complicated economic times. It’s never been easy to own or manage your own business, but the past several years have certainly added wrinkles most of us never anticipated. Then again, you didn’t get where you are by playing things too safe. Small business owners understand perhaps better than anyone the need to weigh their options, consider the possibilities, and the plow ahead. Maybe that means consolidating. Maybe it means expanding. Maybe it requires evolving in some way. Whatever your decision, funding is always a consideration. Is it time to dial back, or invest more in your business? Just what are the pros and cons of small business loans at the moment?
That’s what we’re going to consider today. Some of what we’ll talk about may be familiar to you already. Other considerations may not have crossed your mind. Our goal isn’t to decide for you what you need to do – it’s to help you think through your options more clearly, despite all the noise and distractions. We could all use a little more of that these days, don’t you think?
Let’s start off by clarifying what we’re talking about when we discuss small business loans.