What Is the Normal Fee for a Lawyer?
When dealing with attorney’s fees, it’s a good idea to break them down so that you know exactly what your money is paying for. For example, if you are paying your attorney with contingency fees, learn up front what percentage they will take out of your settlement. In most cases, this can range from 25% to 40%.
The amount of money you pay your attorney depends on when you file the lawsuit. If you settle the fees before a lawsuit is filed, it will often be lower than if you settle after the lawsuit is ended. By settling before you can limit the amount they collect to one-third of your settlement. If you wait until after the lawsuit is over, they can take as much as 40%.
Cost and expenses that are incurred during the representation of your case will also be part of the fees. If you settled prior to your lawsuit being filed, the attorney’s fees will be limited to the 30% that both parties agreed on. If you waited till after the close of the case, the additional costs and expenses will be taken separately.
This means you could lose an additional 10% to 15% of your earnings to the attorney. Once the case is finished, the attorney will receive the check. It will be deposited into a trust account and you will be paid your settlement by the attorney. This ensures the attorney is paid for their services and that you get the amount agreed upon when you first hire them.