Credit Card Perks
When you are credit card shopping, you have to watch out for the advertised perks. It is very common for people to fall for credit cards with high fees or high-interest rates due to the perks that come with them. The perks themselves are not necessarily bad things, though. The problems come due to the following people sign up for the perks that they never use.
I have actually known people to sign up for credit cards for airline miles. This would not be a bad thing except that these particular people never- and I do mean never- fly. When I asked one of them why they signed up, she said, “Well, so they’ll be there if I ever decide to use them.”
Basically, she paid a crazy annual fee for something she knew she would probably never use. She would have been better off putting that annual fee in a savings account or investment account every year. If she ever did decide to go somewhere, she could easily pay for her plane ticket with that money, or she would have it for something she actually would use.
Do not fall for credit cards just for the perks unless the perks are something you already use. Earning cash back on groceries or gas, for instance, would be worth it for many people- unless, of course, you never drive and always eat out.