Reasons For Eviction
Before we get into the legal mumbo-jumbo regarding evictions, let’s go over some of the reasons a renter could be evicted. The most common reason people need money for rent is because they used the rent money to pay medical bills. They had an operation or an accident in which they were injured (work accidents are the most common.) Now they’re frightened and madly need emergency help with rent.
Car accidents are usually the second reason renters need a loan for rent. People need a new or used car to get to work. If they live in rural or suburban areas, a bus or cab isn’t generally an option. Buses don’t run in the country, and you may as well spend the money on a car instead of a cab.
If the insurance money is enough to get a car of some type, all well and good. Sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes the insurance won’t pay, especially if they find you at fault or the car is totaled. You might find yourself in need of emergency eviction loans to pay for a car as well as rent.
Sometimes people are fired from their jobs unexpectedly. Other times a computer glitch messes up the schedule, and you’re only scheduled for three days per week.
It’s an unfortunate fact that singles, couples, and even their kids work two jobs to make ends even fake meeting. When one partner loses a job, the other jobs must stretch to cover what was lost. Most times it doesn’t. This can end up meaning the single’s or family will need help paying rent now. They might need a loan to pay rent.