Payday Loans vs Personal Loans
Payday loans and personal loans are both emergency options that can be taken to cater for rent when you need money for rent ASAP. They are both effective for people with bad credit history and people who need quick cash. Without the hustle of all the paperwork and the formalities when applying for loans in traditional lending institutions such as banks.
As the name suggests, payday loans are small cash advances that are given to clients to cater for small emergencies such as house rent and other small bills. These loans are linked to the paycheck of the borrower which is not the case for personal loans. Personal loans, on the other hand, are quick loans that may apply to online from lenders who you may be able to find through services that help you find lenders.
Payday lenders charge very high-interest rates. This is because they usually deal with high-risk customers. They have very exorbitant compounding interests for all cash advances. Personal loans on the other side offer very friendly rates for their clients. And is definitely a better option if you are considering taking an emergency loan to help with your rent payment when you need money for rent ASAP.