Your credit score impacts your loan and just about everything else in your life. If you are attempting a frugal living, you want to make sure that you maintain a good credit score. If you think that your credit score does not have a huge impact on your life, think again. You credit score impacts your ability to get a loan, a house, insurance and even a job. Credit scores range from 300 to 850 points. A credit score of 700 or more is considered a good credit score. Once you start to fall below 650, you are getting into the fair to bad range.
The average person’s credit score is between 600 to 750. It is hard to get and maintain a good credit score. Unfortunately, it only takes one or two mistakes for your credit score to begin going down. The reason for most credit scores dropping is late or missed payments. Having more knowledge about your credit report and credit score makes it easier for you to get the loan you want.
You are entitled to a free copy of your credit report. You should look at it every year and verify the information contained on it. Your credit report shows a listing of all of your credit activities. It shows your payment history, current and past debts, and indicates how you use your debt. Also, it lists late or missed payments, as well as any on which you have defaulted. It helps lenders decide if they should let you borrow money.
Julia Peoples is a long-time business manager focused on providing decision making assistance to the public. She works with people at key points of their lives who are making important retirement and financial decisions. She has had many articles published that educate the public on sound financial decision making.
Julia writes for those who are working towards financial freedom or a better understanding of how finances work. She has shared her financial insights with individuals on a one on one basis for years.