Finally, ask yourself what “groups” you might belong to. Any demographic outside of “generic straight white able-bodied male” has organizations and advocates scattered across the country, many of whom offer small grants or scholarships for those who qualify. Now, you may be the sort who doesn’t like to see yourself as a member of this group or that. Maybe your politics or personal preferences are such that you don’t want to “play that card” for personal gain.
With all due respect, in this case, you need to get over that and apply for the grant or scholarship. The best thing you can do for yourself, your “group,” your community, family, state, or nation, is getting that education and be all you can be personally, professionally, and financially. If that means that for once in your life you have a chance to exploit the fact that you’re a one-legged transgendered Czech-Irish Buddhist, then go for it.
Don’t worry, we’re not going to think less of you for claiming that $400 stipend from the local chapter of similar folks.